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Bleeding in Dog's Ears: Causes & Treatment

Bleeding in Dog's Ears: Causes & Treatment

If you've noticed your dog's ears are bleeding, you're likely worried, and wondering what's causing this concerning symptom. In today's post, our Upland vets explain the causes of ear bleeding in dogs, how to stop a dog's ear from bleeding, and when to see a vet. 

My Dog's Ear is Bleeding

Several factors can cause a dog's ear to bleed, including internal bleeding, discharge from within the ear, swollen tissues, or infection. 

Bleeding that originates from swollen or puffy tissues in the ear typically occurs due to pockets of fluid that develop as a result of previous trauma. This is common in dogs with long, floppy ears. 

Why are my dog's ears bleeding?

While many causes can contribute to this symptom, some of the most common reasons your dog's ears may be bleeding, including:

  • Parasitic infection (fleas, ticks, mites, or others)
  • Trauma (either self-inflicted or due to an external source, like blunt head trauma) 
  • Fungal, bacterial, or ear infection 

Some cases of bleeding in a dog's ears may be a symptom or cause of systemic conditions. For example, your dog may scratch or shake their head, which can potentially cause a hematoma (a pocket of blood that's confined within an organ or tissue). In other cases, ear infections can cause bleeding that results in a systemic issue, which may lead to a perforated eardrum. 

What are the symptoms of bleeding ears in dogs?

If your dog's ears are bleeding, you may see visible blood just inside the ear or on the rim of the ear. Your dog may also experience the following signs and symptoms, including:

  • Foul odor emanating from the ears
  • Pain or tenderness in the ears 
  • Constant attention being paid to one or both bears 
  • Aversion to being pet or having their ears touched
  • Difficulty hearing you (not responding to their name being called)
  • Swelling of the ear and ear canal 
  • Balance issues 
  • Yellow-brown colored ear wax, or black or brown-colored discharge
  • Reluctance or refusal to open their mouth 
  • Excessive head shaking or ear scratching

How to Treat Bleeding in a Dog's Ears 

If you notice blood in your dog's ear, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible to schedule an examination. Many potential causes may be contributing to the bleeding, some of which may be serious. A veterinarian must thoroughly examine your pet to provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. 

If your dog's ear is bleeding due to a small external cut, you can take the following steps to stop the bleeding:

Step 1: Bring your dog to a safe, calm area. 

Step 2: Have your dog's first aid kit ready, including these items:

  • Antiseptic ointment
  • Bandages
  • Cotton balls, gauze, or absorbent pads 
  • Styptic powder (flour or cornstarch will also work)

Step 3: Apply the styptic powder to your dog's bloody ear and press the absorbent pads using firm pressure until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes, contact your vet. 

Step 4: Apply the antiseptic ointment to the area surrounding the wound, but not directly on it, otherwise, the bleeding may begin again.

If your dog was in a fight with another dog or animal, or if the wound is quite deep, you should contact your nearest emergency animal hospital

What will the vet do for my dog's bloody ears?

Your vet will perform a complete examination and conduct diagnostic tests, like bloodwork, and urine, fecal, and tissue samples, to determine the underlying cause of the issue. Once your dog's condition has been diagnosed, they will offer a treatment plan for the concern. Treatment options could include:

  • Topical and/or oral antibiotic medications for treating infections
  • Pain medications
  • Steroidal medications for any inflammation
  • Surgical drainage of hematomas
  • Clean and flush the ear canal for buildup or foreign body removal
  • Treatments specific to certain diseases

How long will it take for my dog's ears to heal?

Like many illnesses, injuries, and conditions, the faster a dog’s bloody ears are treated, the faster your dog will get better.

If your dog has a condition that will cause chronic ear bleeding, your vet will develop an ongoing treatment plan to help manage their symptoms. If chronic ear infections cause the ear bleeding, then you will need to ensure you treat each promptly to avoid complications.

Are bloody dog ears considered an emergency?

No matter what the assumed cause is behind your dog's ear bleeding, you should always bring them to the vet for an examination. Certain situations may require emergency veterinary care, such as:

  • Bleeding that does not stop after 10 minutes
  • Other signs that your dog may need emergency care (including symptoms signs of infection or other ongoing or worsening symptoms)

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet to diagnose your pet's condition accurately.

Are your dog's ears bleeding due to a deep wound? Contact our Upland vets right away. We provide emergency care 24 hours, 7 days a week.

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